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Sabtu, Ogos 16, 2008

Mukah Beyond 2030

Mukah the Central Node : Smart City Central Nerves Centre

View of 3-4 layer building
( boullivarde esplanade, clock tower, Mukah mosque and Pehin tower )

Mukah, which is located right in the heart of the Sarawak Coridor Renewable Energy, will be developed as a Smart City. It will also become the home of RECODA and the central administrative base for the development of the corridor.

Mukah will be primed to become the service hub and nerve centre for the corridor, with emphasis on three special areas :


Human capital development will be an important aspect of the corridor's long term economic success. Universities, polytechnic and specialised training centres will be built in Mukah to addess the training needs for skilled and semi-skilled workers within the corridor. As a smart city, Mukah is ideally suited to be the epicentre for Sarawak's ambitious human capital and skill develoment initiatives, thereby becoming the source of human capital for the corridor and the state.


Several relevant industries rely heavily on supporting research capabilities. In Mukah, R&D institutes will be set up to focus on resource-based research and selected industrial research, as these research activities are considered crucial in sustaining the growth of the corridor and the State economy's growth, as well.


A clearly recognised nerve centre is vital for the development of SCORE, in view of its long-term sustainability. Mukah will be the vital administrative hub for the Central region: ensuring that the vast region around it is properly seviced and taken care of.

Mukah will also have a smaller industrial park for selected industries, such as a food-based industrial cluster.

( Source : )

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